Details about the “Environmental Education Congress for a Sustainable Future” to be organized in collaboration with the Foundation for Environmental Education in Turkey and Ankara University Water Management Institute were discussed on the ‘Güne Bakış’ program broadcast on Kanal B. Congress Organization Committee Co-Chairs TÜRÇEV General Manager Almıla Kından Cebbari and Ankara University Water Management Institute Director Prof. Dr. Gökşen Çapar answered the questions of program host Nebi Özdemir.

Cebbari and Çapar shared their motivations for organizing the congress and drew attention to the critical importance of environmental awareness and education. While emphasizing that environmental problems such as climate crisis, biodiversity reduction and excessive consumption of natural resources require urgent solutions today, they touched on the contributions the congress will provide to society in this context. Cebbari and Çapar emphasized that environmental education should be widespread not only in schools but also in all segments of society and the role of environmental education in producing solutions to global problems such as the climate crisis.

“Environmental Education Congress for a Sustainable Future” will bring together experts in the field with the aim of strengthening environmental education and making it available to a wider audience. The congress aims to create an educated and conscious society in search of solutions to environmental problems. The congress will be held in Antalya on February 10-12, 2025.